Eight monochrome photographs of the Statue of Liberty, taken in October 2024, before Uncle Donald was elected, but was already looming on the horizon. At least Lady Liberty seemed undaunted.
A gray cat slinks past a wooden house.
There’s something a little intimidating attempting to describe.
Eight monochrome photographs of the Statue of Liberty, taken in October 2024, before Uncle Donald was elected, but was already looming on the horizon. At least Lady Liberty seemed undaunted.
The village of Hörnum on the island of Sylt, Germany, is a charming destination with the notable St. Thomas Church. Despite limited angles, the author captured the church’s beauty through various photos and expresses excitement for future visits.
September 24, 2017, probably won’t go down in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany as a day of celebration. On this day, for the first time since 1949 a far right wing party, the so-called AfD (Alternative for Germany) made into the German parliament with a disturbingly good result of 12.6% of all the votes. About 5-6 million people have voted for this party. A trip to the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial might help to put this disturbing new party into perspective.
Der 24.9.2017 dürfte sicher nicht als Feiertag in die Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eingehen. An diesem Tag schaffte es erstmals seit 1949 wieder eine rechtsextreme Partei in den deutschen Bundestag, die AfD, und zwar mit dem bestürzend guten Ergebnis von 12,6% der Wählerstimmen. Zwischen 5-6 Millionen Menschen haben dieser Partei ihre Stimme gegeben. Ein Besuch in der Gedenkstätte des ehemaligen Konzentrationslagers Dachau rückt den Rechtspopulismus in Deutschland in eine geeignete Perspektive.
Let’s face it: You probably can’t walk 154km without things getting monotonous every once in a while. For me, this happened on this leg of the trip. This is not the West Highland Way’s fault though. The landscape is absolutely beautiful here on this stretch, too. There were several factor’s, however, that made this leg of the trip slightly less enjoyable than the previous ones.