This post is my submission to Cee Neuner’s Black&White Photo Challenge. Each week, photographers can submit photographs for a given theme and share it with friends and fellow photographers. This week’s topic is “Horns” – a subject that I can’t ignore. I just have to share some of my animal portraits. So, prepare for a little zoo parade of rhinos, watusis, and some birds, too.
I don’t know which animal comes to your mind first when you hear the word “horns.” For me, it is (of course) the rhino. To me, they are the quintessential horn carriers. I have a few in my collection.
Watusis are iconic animals. With their giant horns, they are always able to make a memorable impression. I was lucky enough to shoot two presentable photographs them.

Watusi. Gelsenkirchen, 2008.
This shot was another personal milestone for me because it taught me that letting the subject emerge from the dark by using a soft gradient can be a very impactful technique.
Who would seriously think of birds with a topic like “Horns”? Well, prepare to learn a bit. There are, in fact, birds with horns, too. And they are aptly called hornbills. Quite an appropriate name, as you are about to see.
Cee Neuner’s Black&White Photo Challenge
If you are interested in participating, too, just click on the image below and you will be taken straight to Cee’s page where you’ll be instructed on what to do.
Your photos are spectacular for this week. I so enjoyed having you participate and play along. 😀