Urban Animals – my top ten photographs from 2024. Taken in Germany, Belgium and the USA. Prints available on request.
Urban Animals – my top ten photographs from 2024. Taken in Germany, Belgium and the USA. Prints available on request.
Here are my top ten photographs from 2023, along with some notes and background information on every photo. Enjoy!
With the end of 2022 in very close vicinity, it is time to present to you once more what I consider my best ten photographs of 2022.
Welcome to this year’s installment of my ongoing series of the top then photographs of the past year.
As always at this time of year, I have sat down and reviewed this year’s work to select the top of the crop, my ten best photographs in 2020. As usual, the selection process was difficult and time-consuming. Now, I am happy to present them to you in this blog post.
very December, I like to look back at and reflect on my photography of the past year. Apart from reliving memorable moments, I find it interesting (not to say fascinating) to look back at completed (and sometimes ongoing) projects and find out which photographs stand the test of time and continue to stand out beyond the first excitement.
Rarely do I ever look forward to a task I dread more than choosing my personal top ten photos. I started at 106 images and then went down to 67, 43, 16, and finally ten images. It is a painstaking process each and every time. To give you an idea of my thoughts and feelings and to make my choices a little more transparent, I will tell you the story of each image (very briefly, don’t worry) and of course present the picture itself.
This post is the second part of my blog post on my top ten photographs from 2017. I don’t only share the images but also some background info which you may find interesting or entertaining. Let’s dive in!
Another year has gone by, and before I move on to 2018, it’s time to look back at 2017 and review my photography and to choose my top ten photographs. This is the 4th time I did this exercise, and besides the fun of looking back and relive all those moments, I think it also has significant benefits for everybody who wants to take his or her photography to the next level. I can’t thank Martin Bailey enough for introducing me to this exercise. At the end of this blog post you can find a video slideshow with all the images mentioned in this post.