Today, I’d like to share a collection of images of the so-called Cube Berlin with you that I took last month on a short trip to Berlin. This unique building is a definitive go-to location for any photographer.
Today, I’d like to share a collection of images of the so-called Cube Berlin with you that I took last month on a short trip to Berlin. This unique building is a definitive go-to location for any photographer.
This post contains a series photos taken at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, Germany. The photographs are presented without further information except for the title and the location. No explanations, no talking. Just enough silence to allow for silent conversations between you and the image. What story does it tell you? Which emotions does it convey? Does it mean something to you? Why? Feel free to ask each photo and listen to its answers. The trees surely have some fascinating stories to tell.
Let me introduce you to Bobby. Bobby is a very special Gorilla. He is the heraldic animal of the Berlin Zoo, the first Gorilla ever to live there. And he is dead.